【同义词辨析】 2020-08-24 基础base-groundwork

base: implies an underlying element that supports or seems to support something material or immaterial: the ~ of a column.   support支持to hold something up and prevent it from falling down支撑某物防止下落,如a platform supported by pillars平台由支柱支撑着,如the bridge's supports桥的支撑物,technical support技术支持,引申为同意赞成帮助证明鼓励拥护等广泛含义)

basis: similar in meaning, is rarely used of material things and usually carries a more definite implication of support: used those facts as the ~ of her argument.

foundation: tends to imply solidity in what underlies and supports and fixity or stability in what is supported: the beliefs rested on a ~ of firm conviction.

ground: suggests solidity and is likely to imply a substratum comparable to the earth in its capacity to support and sometimes to justify: behavior that was ~ for dismissal.         justify证明合理to provide grounds for doing or saying something提供证据证明合理,可见justify和ground互释,如an end that surely did not justify such harsh means仅仅为了这个目标显然不应该使用如此严厉手段

groundwork: can apply to a substructure but is used chiefly in a figurative sense: laid the ~ for future negotiations.     又如yesterday's meeting laid the groundwork for the tasks ahead昨天的会议为以后的工作打下基础(作了准备),又如为学生未来的发展奠定基础也to lay the groundwork for future development of our students

base基础: 指底部支撑物,basis基础: 一般用于抽象(即非实物的)"支撑",foundation基础: 强调坚固稳定,ground基础、根据: 形容像地面一样坚固地支持,常指证明所需的证据(如毫无根据是groundless),groundwork基础: 也可指实体,但主要用作比喻

记忆方法: 1)首字母BBFGG补补方巩固<==基础         "基"本义是叠加的夯土层承重用的夯土地面,其中"土"表建材,"其"是簸"箕"的本字,指平口竹筐,合指"用装土的平口竹筐筑墙",说文: "基,墙始也。从土其声"。引申为基础、开始、基业等。 "础"是木桩下垫着的石头,从石楚声,我们知道"楚"本义是荆木。如基础础石,基础不牢地动山摇

         2)基础的意思是支撑其他事物的mean something on which another thing is built up and by which it is supported.